UNDERSTANDING (10 Minutes, or 5) You expect others to understand you What’s up with that ? When you give no clue In order to understand me, you need to understand you I give respect, where respect is due Don’t talk down to me, like you’re all that Trying to impress your self, what A laugh I can see you’re all caught up, in A high order Maybe it’s time you cross the border People ask me; why, some things go wrong ? I ask; What do you mean ? But, they go on, and on They say; you’re the man, can’t you figure it out I say; Express your self, and leave no doubt They expect me to know, what they don’t say Act like I have A problem, because I don’t play Their mindless games, of simple confusion If their act were together, there would be A conclusion I guess it took all that, just to say this Better watch; who, what, and why you diss To get y--- r------, e--- y--- p------, b-- Give r------ t- o-----, a-- u------------, t-- E. V. SIMS |